Ford Made A Car From Plastıc And Cannabıs 77 Years Ago
Technology is developing in 21st century and the world we live in is trying to adapt the “smart” devices that enters our life. Our current technology is couldn’t even imagine in the 20th century. But then again, first steps were taken and became pioneers.
The best innovation that can be presented to society was in automotive industry. Back then, people couldn’t even think that a vehicle can carry people around. They were stuck in old fashioned vehicles. But, one of the richest individuals was about to try something different. We knew this man only by his surname. Henry Clay Ford. He made a lot of profit with the innovations that he made. Because, only rich and luxury addicted people could buy his cars.
Because of the second world war, there was shortage of iron, thanks to the rational steel, especially in America. Countries had consumed nearly all of the steel resources for producing tanks and war ships. This is where Henry Ford comes in. He was dedicated to produce a car that made of only agricultural materials. Ford had roots in farming. He started experimenting on farming products and plastic. At the same time, Ford believed that, a plastic car is much safer than a metal car due to having less weight. Also, people claim that plastic made from cannabis is more durable than steel.
Henry Ford saw more in agriculture, rather than a food source. He believed that people can trust products like soy, corn and cannabis to suffice the demands of America. Ford fore seed todays ethanol industry and plant-based fuels that started to use by people half century ago. But why did we notice this car after long time? The reason behind this is, the idea and instructions were lost and the sole prototype was destroyed. As we can all guess, it was due to the threats from oil and steel lobby. Because when the war is over, steel shortage was over too.
But why this car is so attractive? Apart from a metal frame, every piece of the car is made of different agricultural products. In the original video, it says it took its plastic base from chitin, cannabis and wheat. In any case, it’s proven that, the final product is 10 times more durable than steel. And apart from that, its weight is %25 less than its equivalents. The final state of vehicle was turned out to be 453 kg lighter than the same model that was made of steel.
And Ford didn’t only make the car from natural and agricultural products. He also used diesel as fuel and instead of gas, he used cannabis and equivalent biofuels and made that car work.