Reflect Your Style
Many objects that describe us are our identity. Sometimes a necklace and sometimes a key chain is like our signature. The water bottle, long considered an old-fashioned object that evokes vague memories of camping trips and mountain hikes, and thus forgotten behind a drawer, has made a quick comeback to our lives. As a symbol of an environmentally responsible mentality, it is almost like one of the flagship objects of sustainable development.
Water bottles were already in our lives as secret heroes on our desks, in our sports bags, in our children's diets. However, with the pandemic, the embrace with nature increased rapidly. We hit the mountains and slopes to get away from people and take a breather. In order to get rid of our disposable culture and of course the trouble of disinfecting these bottles, these bottles that belong only to us became our savior.
The sudden popularity of the water bottle is due to the fact that it is both affordable and reusable, which makes it perfectly compatible with the 4Rs principle - Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Using water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles and cups is one of the easiest ways to avoid waste and is a great alternative to disposable cups.
If we say show me your water bottle and I'll tell you who you are, we think we wouldn't be wrong. Water bottles are everywhere. The water bottle has become the most fashionable item, a must, almost like an accessory that needs to be displayed. The old-fashioned, dimpled steel water bottles of the past are now replaced by simple, colorful and floral, elegant and graphical, often customizable designer objects in all shapes and colours. From rappers who showcase them on Instagram to fashion designers who feature them on their shows, water bottles are everywhere! Originally, a dry, emptied gourd was used as a water bottle, in which soldiers and adventurers carried and stored their drinks. Over time, wooden containers were replaced by leather, then metal, and eventually the current plastic water bottles were produced. Trendy and modern water bottles are now used. The fact that plastic bottles are durable, adaptable to use and can be used repeatedly not only makes our lives easier, but also protects the nature are just a few of the benefits of plastic. Plastic models have all the advantages that the material provides: transparent, light, impact resistant, can take any shape or color, and also can be customized. Having so many options for consumers to choose from is invaluable.
As in many areas, changing fashion understanding, changing life standards and changing responsibilities increase the importance of plastic water bottles day by day. Plastic bottles are at the center of consumption, not only as an object that reflects our style, but also because they are the right product to meet our needs. If you don't want to see the bottles, regardless of the disposable material that has been abandoned in nature and thrown away by human beings, how about reflecting your style with plastic water bottles that are used over and over again that protect the nature?