It’s Always Guilty
Not a day goes by that plastic is slandered, not a day goes by that an article is not published and plastic is blamed. It is always guilty…. A published report highlights plastic as the cause of obesity. Managing plastic and using it correctly is determined by our possibilities. If we throw the plastic water bottle we have into the sea, then we cannot say that plastic is the culprit. We have no right to do so.
Of course, research should be done, reports should be published, regulations should be made, but this should be fair and should be done for every product in every field. We cannot go out of business by saying that the cause of obesity is plastic. Now, let's look at obesity together.
Obesity is the excessive and abnormal accumulation of fat in the body to the extent that it impairs health. Body Mass Index (BMI) – Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation based on height and weight is used to calculate obesity: Body mass index is obtained by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters. A person with a body mass index (body mass index) calculation value over 30 is considered obese, and a person over 40 is considered morbidly obese. Adipose tissue secretes hormonal and chemical substances that affect the entire system. Some secretions cause appetite, increase the satiety limit and cause obesity to progress. While excessive weight gain threatens your health to a great extent, it can also restrict your movements and cause serious diseases. Obesity, which occurs due to multiple reasons, affects many organs in the human body.
Obesity is one of the most important health problems in the world, especially in developed countries. According to the World Health Organization data, 1.9 billion people in the world are overweight and 600 million of them are obese. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is among the 10 most risky diseases. Today, obesity is among the preventable deaths after smoking. While struggling with obesity, you must first change your eating habits and lifestyle.
Children living in big cities today often have limited physical activity. Almost every child only engages in physical activities such as sports in physical education class at school. You should encourage your child to do more sports. Computer use and watching television are among the most important environmental risks. These two situations allow your child to consume less energy and store more energy during the day. It also allows him to eat more junk food in front of the television or computer. Increasing the amount of foods that are shown in advertisements and have no nutritional value will also help your child gain weight.
Now where is the plastic in these descriptions? How can obesity be directly related to plastic? How can we say that plastic is the cause of everything, regardless of the standards of the food we eat, production, preservation methods and cooking methods, and the source and storage of the water we drink?