Opportunities abound for companies operating in the packaging field. Plastics lead the German packaging industry with a market share of 42.5%. While food and beverage industries are the main application areas, it is expected that demand will be on the rise in other fields as well.
Thanks to insulation materials made of plastic, great opportunities exist in the construction of high efficiency buildings. Furthermore, the global plastic pipe market is also expected to grow in the double digits in the next 10 years.
The E&E sector is the world’s fastest growing sector. In Germany, it is second fastest growing by workforce and fourth by income. Plastics play a significant role in the effort to produce functional organic surfaces befitting simple, low cost devices. With the advance of 3-D technology, opportunities will further increase.
Germany is the European leader in R&D investments. The chemical industry is way ahead of others when it comes to developing new materials. Furthermore, Industry 4.0 applications are also used to increase efficiency in the plastics industry.
There are currently one billion vehicles in the world and this number is expected to more than double to surpass two billion by 2030. Aiming to improve fuel efficiency in order to comply with carbon emission regulations, companies are turning to plastics and composites. R&D activities that are carried out to create new lightweight materials are of crucial importance for the future of the industry. Plastics and composites manufacturers have already taken on the role of the innovator.
Modern medicine relies on the use of equipment that are made of plastic materials. Above average R&D expenditures are a testimony to the strength of the industry in the area of innovation. The use of plastics is not limited to medical equipment; their use in prostheses and even artificial organs is also on the rise. Polymers, on the other hand, are used to treat damages tissues.
Other Opportunities That Germany Presents
Innovative Industry Cluster Strategy
Germany has adopted a strategy that encourages industry people, academic institutions, investors and research centers operating in different industries to collaborate. There are more than 40 regional clusters, innovation networks and competence centers in Germany. These enable communication between academia, commerce and industry, while promoting collaboration between science and industry. Germany also has more than 60 specialized chemical parks.
(For more information: http://www.clusterplattform.de)
Germany is the European leader in R&D investments. And in world rankings, it is only fourth after the US, Japan and China. The chemical industry is way ahead of others when it comes to developing new materials. Furthermore, Industry 4.0 applications are also used to increase efficiency in the plastics industry. And this allows international investors to benefit from the R&D potential.
Stable Investment Conditions
Germany owes its success to the world-class engineers it has. With 35% of its total workforce employed in science and technology fields, Germany is a world leader in this area. Its reputable universities and the collaboration between these universities and the industry provide competitive advantage to companies. High productivity rates and stable labor costs make Germany attractive for investors. In terms of infrastructure and logistics, Germany has the best conditions in the world; additionally, its energy supply is very stable and safe. Germany has one of the most competitive tax systems among the industrialized nations; the tax rate is just below 30%. In some states, this rate drops to as low as 22%. Moreover, Germany has double taxation agreements with many countries, which prevents double taxation of companies.
Incentive Programs
Germany has various incentive programs for different purposes. State funded opportunities can take the form of grants, loans, guarantees, equity capital and mezzanine capital. These can be offered to finance working capital, personnel costs, specific goals and R&D activities.
(For more information: http://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/EN/welcome.html)